Thursday, December 18, 2008
Departed Climax
This film actually took me by surprise with this climax... everything happens in a span of 6 minutes, wow! schorese is a genius film maker. but this climax also reminds the climax of Will smith starer Enemy of the n enjoy....
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Bond is back with a Bang......!

Put the mindblowing action sequences of DIEHARD and the adrenaline rush screenplay of THE DARK KNIGHT in to a pot.... you'll get latest James bond Starrer Quantum of solace . Daniel craig carried his uniqueness as bond from the previous film Casino Royale , being the first blonde bond he created a new trend for bonds of the twentieth century.
the story is so simple , bond is on the run to take revenge for the death of his girl friend veseper lynd , in that he comes to know culprit behind her death and also his plan to trap all the natural resources of south america.
Bond and M (Judi dench) while interrogating Mr.white comes to know about the organisation which is dangerous and far more complex than they could imagine.since bond is motivated by revenge he kills ruthelessly everyone coming in his way. At a point of time even M orders to control bond's activities.this is the point where the film looses it's bond feel and becomes an ordinary action flick.the villain at no point looks to be a match to compete with bond's intelligence.this is one of the films whose trailer is far more thrilling than the original one.since this is the last film for daniel craig as bond we can bid him a good farewell with this film which could've been a better one...........
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A Story Named DOGMAN

It was an Incomprehensible day in that summer.John was Waiting at the Bus Stop.He was wondering about the cool breeze flowing right from the morning which temporarily stopped his worries of being late to the supermarket where he was working as a sales boy.he is a very superstitous guy,who has great faith in god.he is uneducated and a kind of guy who was not open to modern ideas and believes in supernatural present he is standing with a grief in his heart for missing his regular bus.he's gonna be late and surely will be cracked by his section's supevisor.
The next bus he's waiting for is yet to come.there were only 3 persons standing in the bus stop.his mind was now flying into the spiderman movie which he watched the previous night.that was also one of the reasons for him being late today.he was thinking of the scene where peter perker after bitten by a spider gets super powers and eventually becomes THE the other two who were standing in the bus stop started their journey in their destined buses.john was waiting impatiently for his bus to come.
A rusty and impatient dog came there,eventually other stray dogs left that place with got john's attention with its anamalous behaviour.suddenly it gave an astonishing look at john and ran towards him.john decided not to turn a hair .but the pace of the dog moving towards him never seemed to lower.when it came close to him john tried to move out of its way.but the dog managed to make a scratch in his body with its teeth and it moved some distace behind john to stop itself.
Eventually, the bus came in and with a sense of haste john went inside the bus and had bit of terified look at the chased the bus as far as it can and diverted its attention at some point.john noticed the wound on his body and offered less care to it.everything happened as expected that day at his job place.the next morning when he woke up he found a difference in his body.he felt as if his strength was increased.the story of spiderman flashed through his mind which made a greedy smile in his face.
He believed that his powers were growing day by day and longed to become a super hero and named himself as THE DOGMAN.After a month he thought his powers were fully grown and he also learnt the art of living without drinking water.he even felt disgusting on seeing it.during this period he also developed the habit of losing his temper early.he went out in the streets and attacked the bad guys.after a few moments they came in blue vans with brown coloured dress.
Our hero attacked them but he miserably failed.he became unconscious and he was thrown into the van.
when he woke up he found himself inside a cage.our super hero shouted in anger...............
A few yards away from the cage,john's widowed mother was talking to adoctor with wet eyes,
"sorry ma your son is having rabies in its final stages we can do nothing"
"then please kill him i can no longer see him like this........."she broke into tears with a loud noise.
john died after a few days as his throat muscles contracted and making it impossible for him to swallow water..........
End of Indian Agriculture.........

In the near future we don't have to care for a falling tomato that it will be crushed because some tomatoes won't be crushed,it will jump like a ball ,it won't get decayed even after 10 days.but we have to accept the condition that the tomato will have the genes from the skin of a frog(courtesy U.S.A).not only tomato scientists all over the world are working to change the natural genes in our food items and producing them using artificial methods.there were protests for this method all over the world but astonishingly support from India!
We know only that researches are going on genes but there will be no wonder that without our knowledge genetically modified food items will come to markets.there is no harm in the formation of mixed genes if they occur naturally.but now the problem is these things are now handled by multinational companies.they mix up the genes of two unrelated living things such things lead to the formation of frog tomato.for example the coloured fishes we are growing in our home,since we are not using these fishes as food the effects went unnoticed.
Broiler chickens are the best example for these this gene mixing.due to genetic alteration the fleshy part alone will grow fast but these chickens lack immune power.these chikens wre the first to die for bird flu.cotton plants are attacked by worms more often, but a bacteria named bacillus turingiancis works against the worms which attack the cotton plant.the genes of that bacteria was mixed with the genes of cotton plant and such plants came to market as B.D.cotton.these type cottons cost more than normal cotton seeds.
But unfortunately these cottons gave low yield to the farmers,unable to sustain the loss many farmers in andra and maharashtra commited suicide.adding fuel to the flame B.D.cotton lost resistance to the worms ,since the worms developed resistance against these type of resulted in that those worms can be no more killed with the conventional insecticides.but the american government had never tested whether the gene transformed food items will affect our human body.
In 1997 Dr.Arpad Pustai ,an scientist from england tested an rat by feeding it with gene transformed food items.soon it died with its kidneys contracted and by getting cancer.after the release of these results protests marched all over the world for this has been confirmed that taking such food items will lead to allergies,etc brinjal , soya , beans , rice , papaya , tomato has cultivated allover india for testing.while kerela and chattisgargh have banned these tests.the lands in which such plants are cultivated will be spoiled moreover the yield cannot be used as a seed we have to buy the seed everytime from the company.
Along with the nuke deal totally 3 agreements are going to be signed. the most important thing is INDO-US KNOWLEDGE INITIATIVE ON AGRICULTURE.according to this America will help india to getback its traditional agriculture.this agreement is much worser than nuke deal.if this agreement gets signed america will decide what indian farmers should grow and what indian people should it.........its high time for us to awake before situation gets much worser!if not in future india will be remembered as 'A Country Named India'............
With Frustration,
SOURCES:Tamil weekly
Blackberry a mystery

When the BlackBerry debuted in 1999, carrying one was a hallmark of powerful executives and savvy technophiles. People who purchased one either needed or wanted constant access to e-mail, a calendar and a phone. The BlackBerry's manufacturer, Research in Motion (RIM), reported only 25,000 subscribers in that first year. But since then, its popularity has skyrocketed.
Many BlackBerry subscribers rely on the device to carry out daily operations -- things they used to do without technology. Who are those subscribers? In 2004, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server was installed in more than 17,000 companies and government organizations worldwide and counted more than 100,000 government personnel among its users [source: BNET].
An inability to access e-mail or the Internet for a BlackBerry-dependent hospital, for example, could prevent doctors from being able to get orders and prescribe drugs. An interruption in communication among BlackBerry-using emergency crews might keep personnel from being able to access important evacuation plans or emergency call lists.
Still not convinced? After the major outage in April 2007, a poll measuring the prevalence of mobile e-mail at large organizations found that 81 percent of respondents experienced noticeable disruptions in their company's operations [source: Rendleman].
They may not have known about PIN-to-PIN communication. This system allows BlackBerry users to contact one another even if e-mail and Internet service are down. Each BlackBerry has a unique PIN, or personal identification number, and users can send messages to one another with that. PIN messages aren't routed through the e-mail account, so they aren't affected by problems with the server or at the operation centers.
Whether BlackBerry outages will continue as users increase remains to be seen. As of press time RIM hadn't made changes to its infrastructure, but with revenue up 98 percent in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2008, it might be able to afford them. Some observers of the smartphone market speculate that the outages will drive away RIM's customers, but others think that the BlackBerry's benefits outweigh the cost of an occasional blackout. If RIM's recent numbers are any indication, the company will weather the outages just fine. Despite competition from the Apple iPhone, RIM sold a record number of the devices during its fourth quarter [source: Long].
RIM Revenue
* 1999: $47,342,000
* 2005: $1,350,447,000
2000 RIM Annual Report
France Gives the BlackBerry a Black Eye Government officials in France are not quite as lucky as their BlackBerry-toting North American counterparts. Due to concerns over espionage, the French government has advised French officials not to use the popular handhelds. French defense experts fear that e-mails passing through servers in either Canada or the U.K. are vulnerable to spying by the U.S. National Security Agency. RIM responded that BlackBerry e-mails are even more heavily encrypted than those of online banking Web sites and cannot be read by anyone, but the French aren't taking any chances. Ironically, part of the device's appeal to the U.S. government and other top officials is that it is accredited by security agencies in several countries [source: Associated Press].
Moreover blackberry has caused some serious Problems to the internal security of our country.This facility is being used by more than 4lakh users in india.Only Airtel ,Reliance ,Vodafone have been Provided with license for this facility.while the requests made by Tata and BSNL has been put down by our ministry of communication.
the reason that the ministry has released for its action is that , 'the sms tracking facility that are shared using Blackberry is not present in india,so there is a danger that it could be helpful for the terrorists,they can easily share their plans with secrecy and without being caught so that our home ministry to use this facility safely in india requested server system to be created in india and also its master key.But RIM strictly refused to provide both,so our home ministry asked RIM not to provide this facility in india so your application has been put down'.
But through Airtel Reliance and Vodafone more than for lakh customers has been using Blackberry ,details about whether their connections will be diconnected or not is not provided by the communication this stage siddharth bhakura of communication ministry has commented about blackberry which further increases our worries.In delhi during a function he told the reporters that blackberry will not affect our internal security and moreover the communication ministry has not prevented any organisation from getting license to provide blackberry to its customers.this shocked the officials of the defence ministry,they opine that bakhura has expressed his opinion which is exactly opposite to the reason what the defence ministry has said,this will question the security of the nation it is essential that this facility should be traced ,there should not be any compromise regarding this'.........
On the other side if the server is created in india the main intention of blackberry which is privacy will be lost.more over our officials would track the phones of opposition party leaders in the name tracking the terrorists. Another question will also come to our mind if blackberry is not an problem to our internal security then what is the problem in providing this service to all the companies,this may also be one of the steps to decline the growth of BSNL.............anyway we have to wait till the blackberry mystery solves.............
I tested my writing skills in this story..........

There was a sudden crowd .the crowd engulfed the injured person who was thrown off by a car which went on ignoring the injured.gowtham who was standing away from the crowd heard somebody chatting ”he’s dead “.he knows a friend who owns a hospital and he is specially working on saving accident prone persons. But Gowtham now has no heart to call him up. He reconciled himself by thinking that he don’t want to waste his friend’s time by asking him to treat a dead body and left that place.
The sun played truant setting up the possibilities of another gloomy day. Nowadays these gloomy days became quite common .Gowtham was walking on the platform. He had nothing in his mind ….just nothing. He felt nothing, he wondered when the sun is going to come up. He saw the shop which he always use to have his favorite cappuccino.
He entered in to it and sat near a fat gentleman. He should be around 35.he was fighting with his burger in a way which would bring laughter to every spectator. When Gowtham intended to call the waiter, a waiter who was passing by saw him and smiled at him. It was quite common for them. Whenever the waiter sees him he’ll get Gowtham his favorite.
So Gowtham sat down with a smile. But at the back of his mind he found a difference in the smile of the waiter. There was humiliation rather than respect.gowtham waited for a while, he found that he was unnoticed. He grew in anger and left that place. On his way towards his office he saw a person was lying unnoticed. Suddenly a huge truck went over him.gowtham closed his eyes in horror and he didn’t open his eyes till he came away from that place. He thought that this was the most horrible day in his life. he suddenly collided with a person, when he lifted his head he was frozen with fear on hearing the words “I’m sorry” from the same person who was rolled over by a truck just a few moments ago.
His brain tempted him to run but his legs didn’t obey him. That guy left the place.Gowtham went to a nearby petty shop and asked the shop owner “
Give me a soda”
“Come on, give me a soda”
“Are you dumb?
“Shouted with impatience...
The next day the right bottom corner of a popular newspaper read as follow,
“…………….in one of the two accidents that occurred yesterday Gowtham(25) died at the spot after being thrown off by a car which went ………………….”
While Gowtham was waiting in the ‘Q’ which ended in hell after wandering in earth………