In the near future we don't have to care for a falling tomato that it will be crushed because some tomatoes won't be crushed,it will jump like a ball ,it won't get decayed even after 10 days.but we have to accept the condition that the tomato will have the genes from the skin of a frog(courtesy U.S.A).not only tomato scientists all over the world are working to change the natural genes in our food items and producing them using artificial methods.there were protests for this method all over the world but astonishingly support from India!
We know only that researches are going on genes but there will be no wonder that without our knowledge genetically modified food items will come to markets.there is no harm in the formation of mixed genes if they occur naturally.but now the problem is these things are now handled by multinational companies.they mix up the genes of two unrelated living things such things lead to the formation of frog tomato.for example the coloured fishes we are growing in our home,since we are not using these fishes as food the effects went unnoticed.
Broiler chickens are the best example for these this gene mixing.due to genetic alteration the fleshy part alone will grow fast but these chickens lack immune power.these chikens wre the first to die for bird flu.cotton plants are attacked by worms more often, but a bacteria named bacillus turingiancis works against the worms which attack the cotton plant.the genes of that bacteria was mixed with the genes of cotton plant and such plants came to market as B.D.cotton.these type cottons cost more than normal cotton seeds.
But unfortunately these cottons gave low yield to the farmers,unable to sustain the loss many farmers in andra and maharashtra commited suicide.adding fuel to the flame B.D.cotton lost resistance to the worms ,since the worms developed resistance against these type of cotton.it resulted in that those worms can be no more killed with the conventional insecticides.but the american government had never tested whether the gene transformed food items will affect our human body.
In 1997 Dr.Arpad Pustai ,an scientist from england tested an rat by feeding it with gene transformed food items.soon it died with its kidneys contracted and by getting cancer.after the release of these results protests marched all over the world for this mechanism.it has been confirmed that taking such food items will lead to allergies,etc brinjal , soya , beans , rice , papaya , tomato has cultivated allover india for testing.while kerela and chattisgargh have banned these tests.the lands in which such plants are cultivated will be spoiled moreover the yield cannot be used as a seed we have to buy the seed everytime from the company.
Along with the nuke deal totally 3 agreements are going to be signed. the most important thing is INDO-US KNOWLEDGE INITIATIVE ON AGRICULTURE.according to this America will help india to getback its traditional agriculture.this agreement is much worser than nuke deal.if this agreement gets signed america will decide what indian farmers should grow and what indian people should it.........its high time for us to awake before situation gets much worser!if not in future india will be remembered as 'A Country Named India'............
With Frustration,
SOURCES:Tamil weekly
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