There was a sudden crowd .the crowd engulfed the injured person who was thrown off by a car which went on ignoring the injured.gowtham who was standing away from the crowd heard somebody chatting ”he’s dead “.he knows a friend who owns a hospital and he is specially working on saving accident prone persons. But Gowtham now has no heart to call him up. He reconciled himself by thinking that he don’t want to waste his friend’s time by asking him to treat a dead body and left that place.
The sun played truant setting up the possibilities of another gloomy day. Nowadays these gloomy days became quite common .Gowtham was walking on the platform. He had nothing in his mind ….just nothing. He felt nothing, he wondered when the sun is going to come up. He saw the shop which he always use to have his favorite cappuccino.
He entered in to it and sat near a fat gentleman. He should be around 35.he was fighting with his burger in a way which would bring laughter to every spectator. When Gowtham intended to call the waiter, a waiter who was passing by saw him and smiled at him. It was quite common for them. Whenever the waiter sees him he’ll get Gowtham his favorite.
So Gowtham sat down with a smile. But at the back of his mind he found a difference in the smile of the waiter. There was humiliation rather than respect.gowtham waited for a while, he found that he was unnoticed. He grew in anger and left that place. On his way towards his office he saw a person was lying unnoticed. Suddenly a huge truck went over him.gowtham closed his eyes in horror and he didn’t open his eyes till he came away from that place. He thought that this was the most horrible day in his life. he suddenly collided with a person, when he lifted his head he was frozen with fear on hearing the words “I’m sorry” from the same person who was rolled over by a truck just a few moments ago.
His brain tempted him to run but his legs didn’t obey him. That guy left the place.Gowtham went to a nearby petty shop and asked the shop owner “
Give me a soda”
“Come on, give me a soda”
“Are you dumb?
“Shouted with impatience...
The next day the right bottom corner of a popular newspaper read as follow,
“…………….in one of the two accidents that occurred yesterday Gowtham(25) died at the spot after being thrown off by a car which went ………………….”
While Gowtham was waiting in the ‘Q’ which ended in hell after wandering in earth………
1 comment:
Very interesting and creastive story.Best of luck for your future
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