It was an Incomprehensible day in that summer.John was Waiting at the Bus Stop.He was wondering about the cool breeze flowing right from the morning which temporarily stopped his worries of being late to the supermarket where he was working as a sales boy.he is a very superstitous guy,who has great faith in god.he is uneducated and a kind of guy who was not open to modern ideas and believes in supernatural things.at present he is standing with a grief in his heart for missing his regular bus.he's gonna be late and surely will be cracked by his section's supevisor.
The next bus he's waiting for is yet to come.there were only 3 persons standing in the bus stop.his mind was now flying into the spiderman movie which he watched the previous night.that was also one of the reasons for him being late today.he was thinking of the scene where peter perker after bitten by a spider gets super powers and eventually becomes THE SPIDERMAN.now the other two who were standing in the bus stop started their journey in their destined buses.john was waiting impatiently for his bus to come.
A rusty and impatient dog came there,eventually other stray dogs left that place with haste.it got john's attention with its anamalous behaviour.suddenly it gave an astonishing look at john and ran towards him.john decided not to turn a hair .but the pace of the dog moving towards him never seemed to lower.when it came close to him john tried to move out of its way.but the dog managed to make a scratch in his body with its teeth and it moved some distace behind john to stop itself.
Eventually, the bus came in and with a sense of haste john went inside the bus and had bit of terified look at the dog.it chased the bus as far as it can and diverted its attention at some point.john noticed the wound on his body and offered less care to it.everything happened as expected that day at his job place.the next morning when he woke up he found a difference in his body.he felt as if his strength was increased.the story of spiderman flashed through his mind which made a greedy smile in his face.
He believed that his powers were growing day by day and longed to become a super hero and named himself as THE DOGMAN.After a month he thought his powers were fully grown and he also learnt the art of living without drinking water.he even felt disgusting on seeing it.during this period he also developed the habit of losing his temper early.he went out in the streets and attacked the bad guys.after a few moments they came in blue vans with brown coloured dress.
Our hero attacked them but he miserably failed.he became unconscious and he was thrown into the van.
when he woke up he found himself inside a cage.our super hero shouted in anger...............
A few yards away from the cage,john's widowed mother was talking to adoctor with wet eyes,
"sorry ma your son is having rabies in its final stages we can do nothing"
"then please kill him i can no longer see him like this........."she broke into tears with a loud noise.
john died after a few days as his throat muscles contracted and making it impossible for him to swallow water..........